Review of the last races of SSP400 in Pittsburgh International Raceway CCS Championship
After a hard weekend, Solly showed us how he is! Battling in a track like this, he qualified in 4th position for the race grid!
ready for fighting for the podium with really fast riders, improving everytime he was sat in the bike!
In the race 1, Solly had a huge huge highside and got him to the hospital for a fast check. With no injuries he came back to the track and was ready for the race of Sunday even with a lot of pain in the body!
"I cannot thank Dainese enough for keeping me safe all the time I ride!" - Solly Mervis 25 - Even the painful body, Solly Mervis rallied back for getting an awesome P5 in the second race!
"I am super excited to get back on the bike again for the next races!!" - Solly Mervis 25 -